
Becoming More Resilient, Part 1: Structure Your Day

Structure Your Day

Admittedly, I was in denial at the beginning of March that we would be closing our doors.  Gyms across the globe were, but somehow I was thinking we would be fine.

Life can change on a dime can’t it?!

Many of you are working from home, or perhaps out of work for now.  You’ve had some challenges come your way:

  • Change in schedule
  • Change in culture
  • Lack of sense of community

And the list can go on!

The good news is that the FitFam is resilient!  And even though we can’t control everything, we are able to control how we respond to this new normal and what habits are developed during it. We’ll be giving several tips on how to help with that process.

The first step is to “Structure Your Day”.  We all thrive on plans and routines, but when those are suddenly gone, we can slip into lethargy or even depression.  And when that happens, we don’t exercise.  And when that happens…sheesh I don’t want to know!

There are two easy things we can do structure our day:

  1. Block out your day
  2. To-Do lists

Block out your day

You need to run the day, not the other way around.

So take control and for 1 week in advance, write out how you’re going to prioritize.  An example could be:

7am  Wake up
7:15am Shower, morning rituals, etc…
7:45am Breakfast, reading
8:15 Complete tasks, work, email
12:00pm Lunch
12:45pm Creative Time
1:30pm WOD
And you get the point.  Some of your blocks will be “MUST DO”, and the only thing that will take you away from that will be an emergency.  Circle those ahead of time.

To Do Lists

The first To-Do item is make a To-Do list, haha!

When I was a teacher, it seemed like my To-Do list was a mile long.  Every teacher has one, but a veteran teacher told me in my first year:  “You’ll never get the entire to-do list done, but make sure you get to the items that benefit the kids”.  Again, you should have some items that are non-negotiable, and MUST GET DONE.  Make sure those items are taken care of, and if you don’t get to the other items, they can just be moved to the next day’s list.


Whether you’re a sticky-note-nazi, or just getting used to this new situation that we’re in, give this method a try!

Coach Mark

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